
Following is the section of the Michigan Boxer Club By-Laws, effective October 20, 2011, regarding Membership.

SECTION 1. Eligibility  There shall be five types of membership open to all persons who are in good standing with the American Kennel Club, who subscribe to the purposes of this Club; and who at the time of application is an owner or part owner of a Boxer: While membership shall be unrestricted as to residence, the Club’s primary purpose shall be to represent the breeders, owners, exhibitors, and fanciers in its immediate area.

  1. Regular Membership (eighteen years of age and older): Regular members shall enjoy all Club privileges including the right to vote and hold office.
  2. Associate Membership (eighteen years of age and older): Associate members shall have all the privileges of the Club except that of voting and holding office. Associate members may petition the Board of Directors in writing, requesting a change in status to Regular Member. Such petition may be submitted only after attendance of at least two regular club meetings held in the previous 12 months. Applicants for Associate membership are not required to attend a meeting prior to club vote on membership.
  3. Honorary Membership (eighteen years of age and older): Honorary members shall have all the privileges of the Club except that of voting and holding office. Such members are to be nominated by the Board of Directors and approved by vote of the membership.  Honorary Members are exempt from paying dues and/or initiation fees.
  4. Junior Membership (ten years of age through age seventeen): Junior Members shall have all the privileges of the Club except that of voting and holding office and will automatically convert to regular membership upon reaching their 18th birthday.
  5. Life Membership: Members with 25 years of regular membership, service, and contributions to the Club. Such members are to be nominated by the Board of Directors and approved by vote of the membership. Life members shall have all the privileges of regular membership including voting and holding office.  Life members shall be exempt from paying dues.

SECTION 2. Dues. Membership dues shall be set by the Board of Directors. There shall be a fee for an individual membership and a fee for a household membership (two regular members, 18 years of age or older, living in the same household). A reduction in dues shall be provided for associate and junior memberships. There shall be no initiation fee for a junior member. No member may vote whose dues are not paid for the current year. During the month of November the Treasurer shall send to each member a statement of dues for the ensuing year. Dues are due January 1st. Members with unpaid dues January 31st will be considered lapsed and automatically terminated. (See Section 4). Individual members elected during the period of July 1 to September 30 shall pay 1/3 the applicable annual dues for the remainder of the year. Members elected after October 1 shall pay full dues and be carried in full membership for the entire following fiscal year January 1 to December 31.

Section 3. Election to Membership  Prospective applicants must attend two Club meetings before becoming eligible for membership. This requirement is waived for associate membership applicants. Each applicant for membership shall apply on a form as approved by the Board of Directors and which shall provide that the applicant agrees to abide by this constitution and by-laws and the rules of the American Kennel Club. The application shall state the name and address of the applicant and it shall carry the endorsement of two voting members who are in good standing, not in the same family. Accompanying the application, the prospective member shall submit dues payment for the current year plus the initiation fee except in the case of a junior membership application when no initiation fee is required. All applications are to be filed with the Secretary and each application is to be read at the first meeting of the Club following its receipt. At the next Club meeting, the application will be noted, and affirmative votes of 2/3 of the members present at that meeting shall be required to elect the applicant. Voting shall be by secret written ballot and notification of the results shall be mailed to the applicant within 2 weeks of the meeting at which the voting took place.

Applicants for membership who have been rejected by the Club may not re-apply within six months after such rejection.

SECTION 4. Termination of Membership.   Membership may be terminated:

  1. by resignation. Any member in good standing may resign from the Club upon written notice to the Secretary: but no member may resign when in debt to the Club.  Dues obligations are considered a debt to the Club and are incurred on the first day of each fiscal year.
  2. by lapsing. A membership will be considered lapsed and automatically terminated if such member’s dues remain unpaid 31 days after the first day of the fiscal year; however, membership will be automatically reinstated if the dues and a $10.00 late charge are received before the last day of January. After the last day of January a new application for membership must be made. In no case may a person whose dues are unpaid be entitled to vote at any club meeting until appropriate dues and charges are paid.
  3. by expulsion.  A membership may be terminated by expulsion as provided in Article VI of these by-laws.

Annual dues amounts are as follows:

  • Regular Membership: $30
  • Household Membership: $40 (A household membership is defined as two regular members 18 years of age or older living in the same household)
  • Associate Membership: $15
  • Initiation Fee: $10

Applicants for membership must agree to abide the by the By-Laws, Constitution, and Standing Rules of the Michigan Boxer Club; the Code of Ethics and applicable By-Laws of the American Boxer Club; and the applicable Rules of the American Kennel Club.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Michigan Boxer Club, please contact (or have your sponsor(s) contact) the Membership Chairperson, Joan Johnson, at 734-427-9781 or email the Secretary for an application packet.