The Boxer wants to meet you…
your children, and other members of your family.
The Boxer’s most notable characteristic is his desire for human affection. Though his spirited bearing, square jaw, and cleanly muscled body suggest the well-conditioned middleweight athlete of dogdom, the Boxer is happiest when he is with people — especially children, watching protectively over their play. His short smooth coat, handsome chiseled head, and striking silhouette never fail to excite comments from passersby as he trots jauntily by your side with neck arched and tail held erect. He is truly a “dog for all seasons”, suiting the need for household guardian, attractive companion, and children’s playmate and loyal friend.

What We Do

The Michigan Boxer Club holds Boxer specialty (conformation) shows twice a year, in July and September, at the Monroe County Fairgrounds.

With our partner organization, TNT Dog Center, we host multiple AKC Aglity trails throughout the year, in Midland, MI.

Scent Work
We have also partnered with TNT to hold AKC Scent Work trials, also in Midland.