We’ve had a great 2018! Our summer and fall shows were big successes and we’re looking forward to next year!
Club Message
The Michigan Boxer Club provides you with a vital line of communication with other Boxer owners and breeders. We share many years of knowledge and experience to promote our noble breed.
Owners of pet, performance, instinct, and show Boxers are welcome to join us. The Club wishes to encourage and promote purebred Boxers, protecting and upholding the official American Kennel Club breed standard.
The Michigan Boxer Club organizes two Specialty shows a year which are open to puppies over six months of age, up to and including our glorious Veterans of six years and older. We also hold multiple Agility trials at TNT Dog Center. We encourage Club members to train and compete for performance and instinct titles at the numerous events held throughout the year. Special awards are presented to members at the end of each year for completing American and Canadian Kennel Club Championships, performance and instinct titles, certifications, and other awards of merit.
Special Events
A number of events encourage the social nature of the club, including our annual dinner and awards presentation, dinner meetings, potluck picnic meetings, and various fundraisers such as a basket raffle, silent auction, and our annual walk-a-thon.
Join us at a club meeting! Meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month, except July and October, when they are held after our Specialty shows (the October meeting is held at the end of September) and our December Awards Banquet. There is no meeting in January. At meetings, members receive the Officers’ and Committees’ reports and discuss various business items. The members take part by discussing and voting on Club business. Often an educational program is included with the meeting on such topics as handling, judging, the breed standard, breeding, training, and health issues. Members also receive our monthly newsletter, The ChatterBoxer, containing meeting minutes, show wins, club news, regular columns, and feature articles.
Prospective Michigan Boxer Club members must own or co-own a Boxer and be sponsored by two active Club members. Members must agree to abide by the MBC Constitution and By-Laws and the Code of Ethics of the American Boxer Club, as sanctioned by the American Kennel Club.
The Michigan Boxer Club supports local rescue efforts through our annual fundraisers, typically held in conjunction with our Fall Specialty show.